• Explore & Discover 'NASA'

    24th June 2022 - 16:03 - 17:18 (Central Europe Time) /// 9:03-10:18 (Houston time)

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    TOPIC of this session: Change projects within NASA

    After a quick introduction exercise, we have a senior L&D leader from NASA who will share how NASA worked on a bigger change project within the organisation. He will share what worked; what didn't work and how they overcame obstacles. It will be a hands-on story with anecdotes & practical tips.

    There's also room to discuss certain challenges in smaller groups to share experiences. And at the end of the session, you have the opportunity to ask questions to this NASA leader. We will also share some good tips, books, TED Talks, websites with each other.


    Afterwards, we will provide all participants a short summary with the most important discussion points + practical tips & tricks.

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