Explore & Discover
26th November 2021 - 11:03 - 12:18 (Central Europe Time)
TOPIC of this session: How to cope with resistance to change?
After a short getting to know each other exercise, I will take 10 minutes to introduce the topic and then it's up to you. We will be working in breakout rooms (because we have a already 20+ participants) to look at questions like this:
+ What activities can I do to focus more on the people side instead of the organisational side of change?
+ How can we turn negative emotions connected to change into positive ones?
+ How can we make the WII4M (what is in for me) message more clear for employees?
+ How to speed up the change acceptance curve?
+ How to work with people who always resist any chance?
+ How to cope with the different speed acceptance of change?
We won't have the time that you can be working on every question but you have a chance to choose two topics that interest you the most and then we'll share experiences, examples and look for some common tips/tricks that might help us. At the end, we will also have time to share some good tips, books, TED Talks, websites with each other.
It would be nice if you could already think about a real change resistance example in your organisation and ways how you 'solved' it. Because the essence of the Tribe is that we learn from each other stories and experiences (instead of theoretical models that often don't work).
Afterwards, we will provide all participants a short summary with the most important discussion points + practical tips & tricks.
Investment: € 75 (or completely free for Tribe members)
This session is free for the Members of the Change Mindset Tribe. If you're not a member, you can still follow the session for a fee of € 75 (excluding 21% VAT). If you are not a member, please share your invoice details (name company, address & VAT number) in the message box below if you subscribe and we will make an invoice for your organisation. If you have a discount code, also mention it in the message box. Looking forward to welcome you in the session.
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