• Overview of the things that Cyriel can do for you

    Here you find some extra info about other topics. It is possible to do a keynote on this topic or develop a more interactive workshop.

    Of course, we can make a tailor-made presentation for you.

    Cover book Timespiration

    YESSS - Making change simple & effective

    How to create more interaction & engagement during online sessions

    In a world full of constant changes and new technologies, many people feel resistance and fear. This presentation delves into where this resistance and these patterns come from and how we can transform them into desired behaviors, allowing us to handle all these changes more creatively and flexibly. Attendees will gain insight into the YESSS mindset.


    YES: Learn how delaying judgment creates space for new ideas and transforms resistance.

    EXPLORE: Discover how viewing the world from a different perspective can turn problems into opportunities.

    SPECIFIC, SMOOTH, SUPER SMALL: Take action and change your behavior

    • Specific: Set clear goals and translate them into concrete actions.
    • Smooth: Remove obstacles and use the path of least resistance.
    • Super Small: Take small, consistent steps to achieve lasting change.

    In this interactive and entertaining presentation, you will get the spark, tools, and language to inspire yourself and others to develop a more creative and entrepreneurial mindset, increasing the success of your change projects—with a healthy dose of Flemish humor. Ready for YESSS?! 

    Cover crossing borders presentation

    Crossing Borders

    What can your organisation learn from other industries & other surprising resources

    Our society faces many major challenges. Many of them are complex, also called 'wicked problems'. To solve them, cross-over cooperation between silos and sectors is crucial. Designing these collaborations and finding new solutions needs a new discipline: cross-industry innovation.


    During this entertaining and inspiring presentation, you will explore a simple process & concrete tools to 'translate' solutions from different industries & other surprising resources to your own business. Cyriel will boost your skills to broaden your perspective and give you tips and tools to use out-of-the-ordinary resources to discover new ideas.


    Extra possibilities: an interactive workshop/masterclass (1/2 or full day). More info here.

    There's a special Crossing HR Borders version for HR professionals.

    Cover book Less is Beautiful

    Less is Beautiful

    Discover how 'less' can succeed in business

    'Less is Beautiful' … We live in a society with an abundance of products and services, connections, technologies, information but a downside is that we almost get paralyzed by the choices and possibilities (burn-outs, stress and less and less time for the real important things in life).

    There are already several great examples of individual initiatives of people who live with less stuff or who choose to live a simpler life. But, there aren't a lot of examples of how professionals in organisations and governments can apply 'Less is Beautiful' to their daily practice. Get inspired by loads of examples from very different industries and learn how you can apply three simple principles to experience ‘less is more’: start to stop, simplify and letting go. This presentation gives you insights into the exaggerated search for efficiency, the paradox of choice, and very concrete examples and tools to apply 'Less is Beautiful' to your professional lives.

    Cover book Timespiration

    Brainstorming session

    Generate hundreds of ideas for a specific challenge

    This session builds on the different skills that I've shared during the presentation 'the Change Mindset'. We can immediately apply these skills and methods on a relevant challenge for the team. Depending on the available time, we can go through a diverging (generating ideas) and converging (selecting & finetuning ideas) process. It is possible to do this with (very) large groups because we will be working in subgroups of 6-8 people. And people will get extra methods to stimulate the creative thinking. It is smart to spend some time in a briefing call to check which question/challenge would be the best fit for this process.

    Cover book Timespiration

    Get Moving (workshop)

    Great for networking & teambuilding

    This is a very interactive session based on several principles from improvisation theatre. We are not going to play scenes and nobody has to come on stage. We will be doing all kind of exercises in pairs, trio and small groups - very accessible, simple exercises to stimulate a certain skill: creativity, listening, collaboration, ... We need an open space for this because we will be moving a lot.


    It’s a great fun, energetic workshop ideal to stimulate networking, laughter and connection.

    Cover book Timespiration

    Made to Stick (workshop)

    How can you make sure that people will remember your message longer

    This is a presentation based on the book 'Made to Stick' from Dan & Chip Heath - two researchers who did research on urban legends. They wondered why some stories are told over and over and really important messages aren’t remembered. They discovered that 6 elements will help to make sure that the message will stick: Simple, Unexpected, Concrete, Credible, Emotional and Story - which forms the acronym Succes(s). I have developed a short workshop with several methods to learn participants how they can apply those elements on their own messages.

    Cover book Timespiration

    No More Boring Online Sessions (workshop)

    How to create more interaction & engagement during online sessions

    During this training, you will get 21,5 interactive methods to boost the engagement during your own online sessions. The methods are great for digital, live meetings and events where you want to interact with your audience. Most methods that I'll share are very simple & low-tech (you don't have to be a technical wizard), easy to implement and require between 1-5 minutes of your 'valuable' meeting time but will boost the attention span of your audience.


    More info.