Boost your Change Mindset: 'Crossing Borders'
Let's start with the adventures of the 'Fellowship of the Change Mindset': Frodo, Gandalf, Gimli, the Elf, The Nazgul and the mysterious Cleaning Guy.
Crossing Borders
Crossing Borders is a clever way to jump-start your innovation efforts by drawing analogies and transferring approaches between contexts, beyond the borders of your own industry, sector, area or domain.
What is Crossing Borders?
Training module
Crossing Borders is the conscious process of looking at other areas, roles, industries, ... to get inspiration to solve a challenge in your life or organisation.
Why do we need to Cross Borders?
Training module
Three big reasons why Crossing Borders can be very interesting:
1. somebody else already solved your problem.
2. Disruption is not coming from your own industry.
3 Going from Best to next practices.
Crossing Borders Process
Training module
Three steps if you want to apply the Crossing Borders process:
1. Explore the Question.
2. Explore the Borders.
3. Connect the right dots.
Extra inspiration
Enjoy these 25+ examples from innovation researcher Marc Heleven
Great book from my colleagues Ramon Vullings and Marc Heleven on the topic Cross Industry Innovation
Great Leaders Mix and Match is a guide to becoming an ideaDJ: a leader who creates impactful and beautiful combinations which add real value. Again another great book from Ramon Vullings.
Explore and download a lot of tools and tips how to apply Cross Industry Innovation in your own organisation.
I found these weird food combinations on a foodmarket in new York: Spaghetti Donuts, Pizza Cupcakes, Takumi Taco, Ramen Burgers and even Ice Cream Sandwiches.
Japanese researchers found 50% fewer flies landed on cows with zebra stripes painted on them. They say this alternative to pesticides is not only better for cows and human health, it could also help solve pesticide resistance in the environment.