• Making Change Simple Toolbox

    On this page, you get access to my slides; download cool stuff and watch my favourite 'Making Change Simple' movies. And subscribe to my newsletter or follow me on Linkedin. Welcome.

    Slides Making Change Happen

    In English & Dutch

    Download my slides (English and Dutch version available). Be aware that my slides are always in beta-version so it might be that you saw some different slides in my presentation. You can always reach out to me if you want a specific slide.

    Download cool stuff

    Yep, this is the cool stuff

    At this moment, I dont have extra inspiration for the Making Change Simple presentation. It will be added in the upcoming months but here you get access to some cool stuf from my other presentation 'the Change Mindset'. You can download a poster with idea killers or boosters, the Yes And Act manifesto and several cartoons.

    Funny videos change mindset

    Watch out - very addictive

    Sometimes it's good to have a laugh about our change projects. These youtube movies can be used to start a conversation on a change subject.

    Link to newsletter

    This is NOT a weekly or monthly newsletter

    Cyriel's newsletters are sent on a strange, irregular moments. But no worries, I will send max 8 newsletters / year.

    Link to Linkedin

    Yes, let's create this virtual connection

    I'm quite sure everybody knows Linkedin and if you aren't on that platform, I still like you.