Mini Master Mind
1st June 2022 - 9:03-10:33 (CET)
How does a Mini Master Mind work?
A Mini MasterMind is a great way to support each other to solve challenges. We gather online in a small group of participants (8-10 participants) and follow a strict process to make sure that everybody gets a lot of value.
After a quick introduction exercise, we will have several rounds according to the 1-2-3-1 rhythm.
1: Every participant has to prepare a 1 minute story where the person explains a challenge. This could be a personal or professional challenge. One person starts and gets 1 minute to explain the challenge and context.
2: In the next two minutes, we will apply the Question Platoon method: the other participants can ask all kind of questions related to the challenge with the purpose of broadening the context for the 'challenge-owner'.
3: The next three minutes are meant for sharing tips, sources, insights, experiences with each other concerning the challenge. The challenge-owner is not responding in this phase, only listening to the questions, which will stimulate new thoughts and trigger ideas.
1: The final minute is again for the challenge-owner to share some golden nuggets that (s)he has received.
This process is repeated as many times as the number of participants.
Some feedback from the previous Mini Master Mind session:
“It was a fresh breeze of ideas utilizing different perspectives on how to solve my challenge. I like the setup!”
“Sharing & receiving an abundance of practical ideas, inspirational insights and critical reflection.”
“An Inspirational boost”- Subscribe for this session
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